
Jitu Raiyan

Web Developer

Hanging Gardens


As a designer and an architect, I like order, straight lines, concrete and most of all, total control. As a regular well balance folk, I like all the opposite like nature! Despite our combined and relentless efforts to destroy everything living on Earth, nature will thrive and outlive us. In the meantime, maybe we could try to find a compromise, an in-between state of equilibrium?

Concrete in the jungle, or jungle in the concrete? If you can’t beat them, join them. As with many things, contrasts can enhance the natural beauty of totally opposite objects.

Now I need to improve my gardening skills because very few of these tough plants (or so I thought) survived my delicate cares…

Concrete Planter with Miniature Plants

Individual Planters

9 concrete planters

Available Planters and Vases

Concrete Vase no.7
Concrete vase no.7 2023 Concrete  Exterior Dimensions (in) : 11 h x 4 w x 4 d Exterior Dimensions (cm)...
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Concrete Planter no.1
Concrete planter no.1 BRUTALIST CONCRETE PLANTER 2023 Concrete  This planter serves as a pot holder and...
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Concrete Planter no.2
Concrete planter no.2 BRUTALIST CONCRETE PLANTER 2023 Concrete  This planter serves as a pot holder and...
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Concrete Planter no.3
Concrete planter no.3 BRUTALIST CONCRETE PLANTER 2023 Concrete  This planter serves as a pot holder and...
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Concrete Planter no.4
Concrete planter no.4 BRUTALIST CONCRETE PLANTER 2023 Concrete  This planter serves as a pot holder and...
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Concrete Planter no.5
Concrete planter no.5 BRUTALIST CONCRETE PLANTER 2023 Concrete  This planter serves as a pot holder and...
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Tectonic Tile no.1
Modular Concrete Wall Tile Tectonic Tile no.1 This series evokes mineral and desert landscapes whose...
Spelhunking - System no.1
Concrete Wall Art SPELHUNKING – SYSTEM N.01 Every piece in this series includes mounting brackets...
Romeo And Juliet
BRINGING SCULPTURES FROM A PODIUM TO THE STAGE In early 2018, dancer and choreographer Johan Kobborg...